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Draperies & Curtains

Elevate Your Space with Draperies & Curtains

Expert Installation & Motorization Available

Draperies & Curtains

Draperies & Curtains| Fremont CA

Are you looking to transform your space with the elegance and functionality of draperies and curtains? At Fremont Blinds & Shades, we offer a wide range of draperies and curtains to enhance your residential or commercial interiors. Our team provides expert installation, valuable advice, and the option of motorization to ensure your window treatments perfectly complement your unique style and needs.

Why Choose Draperies & Curtains?

When it comes to window treatments, draperies and curtains offer distinct advantages over other options. They provide:

  1. Versatile Aesthetic: Draperies and curtains are available in a plethora of fabrics, patterns, and colors, making them a versatile choice for any interior decor. Whether you prefer a classic or contemporary look, we have the perfect solution for you.
  2. Light Control: Customize the level of light in your space with ease. Our blackout curtains are designed to keep your room comfortably dark, while sheer options offer soft, filtered light.
  3. Privacy: Drapes and curtains offer superior privacy, making them a great choice for bedrooms and private areas within your home.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Draperies can help regulate the temperature in your space, providing insulation during the winter and cooling during the summer, reducing your energy costs.
  5. Sound Insulation: Enjoy a quieter atmosphere by minimizing outside noise with heavy, sound-absorbing curtains.
  6. Customization: We offer custom drapes and curtains to ensure they fit your windows perfectly and are tailored to your design preferences.

Leading Brands for Motorization

At Fremont Blinds & Shades, we understand the importance of home automation. We proudly utilize top brands like Somfy and Lutron for motorizing your window treatments, offering you the ultimate in convenience and control. Experience the future of window treatments with our automated solutions.

Our Comprehensive Services

We go beyond just offering premium draperies and curtains. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Free Consultation: Our experts provide personalized consultations to help you choose the right window treatments for your space.
  • Professional Installation: Trust our skilled team to install your drapes and curtains with precision and care.
  • Design Ideas: We're here to offer design advice and inspiration to help you select the perfect window treatments for your space.
  • Residential & Commercial: Whether it's your home or office, we can provide the ideal window treatments for your needs.
  • Indoor & Outdoor: We cater to both indoor and outdoor spaces, ensuring you have the right window treatments wherever you need them.

Visit Our Store Today!

Looking for a "curtain store near me" or "curtain stores near me" in Fremont? Look no further! Visit our showroom to see our wide range of draperies, curtains, and other window treatments. Our experts will guide you through the selection process, helping you find the perfect fit for your space.


When you need the right window coverings for your home or office, think of us first. Just leave your contact information below and an expert will return your call soon!


Our design team is known for guaranteed customer satisfaction, outstanding service and competitive pricing. For perfect blinds or shades for your home or office, give our friendly experts a call.

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Select Date and time
May 5, 2024
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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